
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain 3-e

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Designing and Managing the Supply Chain, 3/e provides state-of-the-art models, concepts, and solution methods that are important for the design, control, operation, and management of supply chain systems. In particular, the authors attempt to convey the intuition behind many key supply chain concepts and to provide simple techniques that can be used to analyze various aspects of the supply chain. Topical coverage reflects the authors’ desire to introduce students to those aspects of supply chain management that are critical to the success of a business. Although many essential supply chain management issues are interrelated, the authors strive to make each chapter as self-contained as possible, so that the reader can refer directly to chapters covering topics of interest. Each chapter utilizes numerous case studies and examples, and mathematical and technical sections can be skipped without loss of continuity. The 3rd edition represents a substantial revision. While the structure and philosophy were kept intact, the authors placed an increasing importance on finding or developing effective frameworks that illustrate many important supply chain issues. At the same time, motivated by new developments in industry, they added material on a variety of topics new to the book while increasing the coverage of others.

New Features

NEW Chapter 4 on supply contracts for strategic and辦公文具批發 commodity components

NEW Chapter 7 on distribution strategies with a focus on the impact of inventory pooling and customer search

NEW Chapter 13 on smart pricing and revenue management in supply chains

NEW Chapter 15 on technology standards such as Service Oriented Architecture and RFID

Concept of “Development Supply Chain” is now introduced in Chapter 1 and applied to product design and supply chain strategies in Chapter 11

Expanded discussion of network planning and considerable new emphasis on strategic safety stock and inventory planning in supply networks added to Chapter 3

Enhanced discussion of the impact of lead time on supply chain strategy in Chapter 6

Substantially revised Chapter 9 on Procurement and Outsourcing Strategies, focusing on framework for outsourcing, strategic purchasing and supplier footprint

Developed a new framework for risk management in global supply chains in Chapter 10

New case studies such as’s European Distribution Strategy, Dell Inc: Improving the Flexibility of the Desktop PC Supply Chain, H. C. Starck Inc., Steel Works Inc, Selectron and Zara

David Simchi-Levi, Mass Institute of Tech
Philip Kaminsky, Univ of California-Berkeley
Edith Simchi-Levi, Logic Tools,nc., :Lexington, MA


  • 作者: David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky, Edith Simchi-Levi
  • 出版社:文具用品批發新陸書局
  • 出版日期:2009/06/01
  • 語言:英文

Designing and Managing the Supply Chain 3-e






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